

This is the post excerpt.

I am a retired teacher. I taught 20 years. I retired because of my weakened condition but my mind is afire. I read, write, reflect, and write every day. My POV is usually as a teacher but not always. I have a bucket list and on it is to be a published author. I have many books to write. I want a cure for ALS. I want to spread LOVE. I want my maker to use me until I'm completely exhausted. Life is for living. 
"Enjoy every sandwich"
Warren Zevon

Gethsemane Days

In my mind, I am still enjoying Easter. Students, it is the fourth week of Easter and life here in Tennessee is bursting with rebirth. It is also rising from the earth. Have you discovered all of the trees bursting with colorful blooms? Last week we read St. Stephen in Acts of the Apostles 6: 1-15. I identify with St. Stephen. He was just an ordinary person so filled with The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit telling everyone that would listen. I have those days when I just can’t get enough of our wonderful God. I will read hours and study scripture until bedtime. 

Lately, life is taking me places that I compromise with my children because I looked around one day and my kids were adults. It seems like all at once they have commitments and agendas. We are working together and I am so grateful that they want me around. I know that this is a treasured time with them and I need to soak up every moment. It’s been tough keeping the St. Stephen glow. Last week’s schedule: Monday is my favorite day. It is when friends come to study and pray. Tuesday was a great visit from a high school friend. Ab went to Memphis. Wednesday something went wrong and I thought that it was canceled but I had another friend visit. Thursday I had meetings in the morning and afternoon. Friday was a doctor appointment in Memphis trying to survive the trip on crumbling roads and dipping bridges that tossed me in the air like I was levitating. Remember the Dukes of Hazzard? That would be a perfect description. Saturday we, with the confirmation students worked on the community prayer garden from 9-2 pm. Finally, Sunday and she and I headed to Memphis to a Rhodes choir concert and church with her fiance. Remember what happened to St . Stephen by the third day? That is right, stoned to death. He still had the peace of Christ on his face and asking for forgiveness for his persecutors then commended his Spirit. I was not glowing this morning. Literally feeling stoned by the flurry of activities last week. 

Today is the start of the fourth week of Easter. I had to take a Gethsemane day. I slept and prayed all day. Thankful for the children and grandchildren God blessed me with to keep me rolling. So thankful for my church family and pray that God increases us in Faith and number. Help us God to live out our days with the same Spirit until our deaths. Let’s also remember to take time at the feet of our Father allowing Him to refresh our weary souls. 

Sarah Anderson Alley 

Sal the Levitating Gal

Quote of the Day 

I pray because I am helpless. I pray because I can’t help myself. I pray because of the need that flows out of me day and night, waking and sleeping. 

C. S. Lewis 

Easter is Coming!

In my mind today, I can’t believe that we are so close to Easter. In less than 4 days, we will be together celebrating the most important day in every human being’s life. Back row, I know that Christmas is super exciting because of toys. Toys break and soon you get tired of them. Remember the game Monopoly? You sometimes were lucky and drew a “Get out of jail free card?” What do you think about a “Get out of Hell free card?” Settle down back row, yes I said Hell. It is a proper noun and a real place. Easter gives you and me a gift of eternal life.

Did you know that we are specially designed? We are created for more than the years we walk on earth. We are spiritual and material. We are different from other animals. We have the ability to reason, adapt, and create in order to survive. We are created to create other human beings with a soul. Science can never do that but men and women are desperate to crack the creation code. That’s the biggest problem with us human beings. We begin to believe that we have all control of ourselves, the earth, and even the universe. Hell becomes a myth and Heaven a fairyland. We are created by the Creator. His DNA is everywhere from the bees to the trees and everything, EVERYTHING, in between. From microscopic to leviathan, God created it. We mere humans want to crack the creation code so badly, but why? The number one reason is life everlasting on our terms. We are back in the garden wanting that sacred knowledge listening to the Antichrist. The only thing that the devil can create is division, chaos, deceit, and lies. He is the ultimate dementor, a soul eater. You can’t create something from nothing. God is definitely something and gave us the creation code. The love of a man and a woman, the family, brings forth new life with a built in soul. Your life may end early in your years or after 100 years we usually have no idea when the fabric of this earthly body will return to the simple elements God used. No being can kill your soul unless you refuse the gift of the Cross. The soul will return to the Creator because of Easter. Then you soar with the Saints and angels. Don’t reject the greatest gift ever. I know that some of you are lost but as long as you have breath, God wants us home. Turn back to the Light this Easter. 

Sarah Anderson Alley 

Sal the Cross loving Gal

Holy Moment:

Last Thursday I went to a penance service at my small little Catholic Church. I was in the chapel praying for God to bring people back to Him. I have been praying for couples, young and old, and especially children. I prayed, “Fill our little body of Christ with living stones. We need workers for the harvest.” I was praying for my children and grandchildren and protection from the secular world of the satan. I began to pray for people with addictions and mental illness. I prayed for children born into these situations. Then I heard children and babies. People were rustling in the pews. I remembered Henry and Shirley who reunited less than four months ago in heaven. I smiled, opened my eyes, and knew God is working in my life, our church, and our world. I was amazed. My daughter and I processed to the confessional lines but the line was still in the chapel! People were coming back home to the Body of Christ. The atmosphere was electrified with the Holy Spirit (HS). The beauty of the mixture of languages, colors, and sounds under one roof, one family, this is my precious church family that I love. Thank you God for this Holy Moment.

Troublesome Children  second week of Lent reflection

In my mind during this second week of Lent, I have been thinking about troublesome children. Even the ultimate Father has had trouble from the beginning with disobedient children. This week we read about Cain slaying his brother Abel. The always classic The Prodigal Son which has many levels of perspectives. Students, kids have been acting up from the beginning of human existence. So back row that is comforting to know, but there is a cure for troublesome people.

Do you have siblings? Do you always agree? You may not even like your siblings, but hopefully you want the best for them. Cain killed his brother with no remorse. He had a hardened heart. His sacrifice to God was remnants of his crops when his brother gave the best first born livestock. This enraged Cain and God in different ways. Abel was murdered and Cain was cursed to wander with curse or mark to prevent an immature death. He was reduced to a lonely nomad. I wonder if he ever thought of turning back to God for forgiveness. He had received the mercy of God because he was allowed to live. My question is students, when does God’s Grace enter into the story? That’s right front row, John 3:16.

The Prodigal Son narrative could be applied to Cain and Abel. Something had changed. In Luke 15:1-32, the Prodigal Son came back. The other son that never left had a hardened heart. He never shirked his duties or squandered his family’s money.  He is in no way happy. He starts the competition and comparison mind games. He can’t understand how after all that his brother did, the Father let him waltz right back into the family, gave him a new fancy robe with a ring, and threw a huge party. Mercy. Plain and simple. He had lost everything but his soul. Students, the stuff in this Earthly life doesn’t matter. It’s those precious souls of those we love that are all that matter. The wise Father saw the contrite heart of his son and poured out his Mercy. Mercy is an undeserved gift and our God gives it to us daily. It is a hard concept to grasp. 

The other brother was confused because he didn’t understand. Should he not be celebrated for never going astray? I see this dynamic in almost every family today especially with drug addictions. Parents are so merciful to this generation of Prodigal children who continue to return to the addiction. I have witnessed them bouncing back and forth between home, jail, treatment, and the streets. Healing is not happening. We need change especially with our juvenile system. I have found that these children have been broken down by a lack of proper love as a child. It’s not always the parents and can be another relative or friend of the family. As American family structure continues to erode without guidance of the agape love model, self-sacrificing for others, especially your spouse and children the numbers of broken people grow creating collapsed, broken, chaotic society.

Marriage is hard. Sprinkle in a couple of children with tremendous amounts of needs, it gets hard. Why? Your amount of time shrinks, especially sleep time. I used to think I’ll never get to sleep again. It was a team effort. My sweet husband would take the three boys to record shows; he was an avid music collector. Saturday they would head to Memphis, TN and I would sleep late and have supper waiting when they got home. Agape love, we had it. Now my kids have it for each other. I pray every day for their spouse and future spouses to have the true sacrificial love that only comes from God above us. I pray for all Christians turn back to God this Lent. It doesn’t matter what the situation or sin is. Experience the fullness of His Mercy. 

Sarah Anderson Alley 

Sal the Mercy Loving Gal

Shine on!

In my mind I am thinking about how time flies! It is already the end of the second week of Lent. Are you shining your Christ lights? Are you keeping your Lenten goals? If yes, great! If not, start today. Most people give up stuff for Lent: foods, vices, cursing or social media. These are great but you can flip the script and give to others. Time, Talent, and Treasure can be given to people who are in dark places in their lives. 

Treasure can be given to non profit organizations that help those who have fallen on tough times: Matthew 25 : 40, Inc., YMCA, The Bridge, The Salvation Army, Union Mission, Carl Perkins Center, Right Choices, Life Beats, and Transitions. Use your talent to help those non profit organizations. Volunteer please. Be the hands and feet of Christ.

If you could do only one thing this Lent, I would have you give more time to your family. Why? On your deathbed, it will be the most regretted. It is also the single most important thing that makes our community better. Families who love one another and spend time with each other are a literal “Christ” light machine. Remember how atoms are the building blocks of cells? Cells build tissues. Tissues build organs. Organs create systems. Apply that to good families. They create good communities. Good communities make good cities. Good cities create good states and those make a great country. Then think of what a wonderful world it could be?

I understand that the world has always been a ball of confusion and riddled by violence. The world has had so many inspirational people cheering for humanity: Socrates, Thomas Aquinas, Confucius, and Jesus. These are a few. They all tried to light the path for humanity and dispel the darkness. John 16:33 “In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Be brave, my students. Matthew 5:15-16 “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” Go forth God’s children with courage. Psalm 119:105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light for my path.

Sarah Anderson Alley 

Sal the Light Shining Gal

Quotes of the Day: 

“Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.”

– Marcus Aurelius

“With each person you meet, remind yourself that you share a common humanity. You are members of the same family. They may not know this, but you do—so show them by the way you treat them.”

– Marcus Aurelius

“Like a mother who protects her child, her only child, with her own life, one should cultivate a heart of unlimited love and compassion towards all living beings.”

– Gautama Buddha

Let’s Light Up Lent

In my mind today, I am thinking about Lent, the forty days before Easter. Back row lint is in your jeans pockets and between your toes but Lent is a holy preparation time for Christians; we fast, pray, reflect on Scripture, and focus on what we need to do better. Yes, back row. We do this every year. Why? We are human. We live in a world that is corrupt and broken. It is full of a million and one different ways to sin. Why? 1 John 5:19 We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. So we have work to do. We have to work on our internal Christ lights. We have a spiritual battle until we take our last earthly breath. Please help others embrace the light with me. Have you ever looked into the eyes of a person lost to addiction? Are their eyes bright? No, they are blind, blank, and empty. 2 Corinthians 4:4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that is the glory of Christ which is the image of God.

This past weekend I visited my son’s girlfriend’s church in a little town. It was named The Refuge. It was held in a metal building used when the fair comes to town. A humble setting like one where our Savior was born. It squeezed my heart to see the people there looking for a Shepard and Refuge. We had breakfast then Brother Dan taught the flock about Genesis. The flock had pencils and fill in the blank pages that went with the lesson. They were engaged! Then came the songs and the message. The message was about how sinful we have been from the very beginning. God was ready to wipe the Earth clean with a flood. I imagined the first followers of Christ looked so similar. The Refuge runs so many outreach ministries. The Bridge is the outreach the minister’s wife began to help struggling single mothers. The Refuge runs many programs all week for those battling addiction, abuse, and homelessness. They are lighting the dark with Christ’s light and helping so many others by rekindling theirs after the deceiver tried to snuff them out.

Forty days of homework! Am I going to be doing homework? Absolutely. I am going to a daily mass or church to pray hopefully Wednesday at noon starting Valentine’s Day. Join us to get your ashes on Ash Wednesday! I plan to reflect on a Psalm a day. I will continue my usual morning devotion routine. Don’t worry. I will be busier than my cat in her litter box. What about you? First, I want you to MAKE TIME FOR GOD! What is the devil blinding you with? Unbelievers are caught in the snare of the devil on Earth. 2 Timothy 2:26 Believe in God students. He is the only way to get a never ending life. This is just the prequel so pick up your crosses and let us help others see the Light this Lent.

Sarah Anderson Alley 

Sal the Lent Loving Gal

Quote of the Day:

“If you don’t behave as you believe, you will end up believing as you behave.”

Fulton Sheen

Hotline to Heaven

The Heaven Hotline

In my mind today I felt Heaven and Earth meet. It all started with church.. I rolled into church as usual, saying hello to everyone that I met. Feeling our church family love all around us. I paused by the columbarium where the ashes of our loved ones are placed. I looked lovingly at Ken’s resting place still missing him but understanding more each day that death is part of the journey, but not the end. Ken got 67 earthly years. I have had 54 years . We will have a limited number of years here so don’t waste your time. I look back on Ken’s years and I am so proud of the man he was and how he spent his years leading our family. His morals were created with the foundation of Christianity. Every time I enter our home Parish, Holy Angels, I am continuing our marriage commitment to each other of leading our children to the Christ’s Church and Cross to worship as Christ’s body, the church. Don’t waste your years! Find your place in Christ’s body ASAP. This is the best way to build God’s Kingdom and it will lead you to eternity.

I rolled into the chapel feeling the warmth of the Holy Spirit and parked on the front pew. I looked across the pew to see if our last little bird was going to make it on time; she did! We were snug in the pew for the announcements and the service was for Ken’s grandfather, Joe Walden, Jr. The music began and the Spirit was moving all around in and through us. I have been researching the Heaven and Hell human conundrum. Studying Scripture and trying to understand because students remember we are on a journey whether we believe it or not, back row not Disney World! In my research, I found out more about our human destination. Of course there are two destinations: Heaven and Hell. I want to discuss Heaven. Sorry back row, but you can write a paper on the 7 Deadly Sins to let me know that you understand the road map to Hell and the fastest way to get there. 

Heaven is where I want to be. Heaven is full of Angels. Heaven is full of Saints: people who have lived Holy lives here on Earth promoting and building God’s Kingdom giving everything up for God. Front row good question. Yes, you can become a Saint. Heaven contains the Trinity: the Father,Son, and Holy Spirit. These people and Holy beings in Heaven commune together for the good of God’s Holy Church. They work day and night and never take a day off. They are our Hotline to Heaven. They hear our cries and petitions. 

Today in the first pew I literally felt the Communion of Heaven  and answered prayers. Our family used to fill two pews. It has shrunk down to about 2/3s of one. Left here to finish my marriage promise I continue to pray for my  children’s futures especially my bird in the middle that is my caregiver. I know I have to go to my death but I pray for God and all those in Heaven to bring him the help mate that will love him with true love that he and his Dad shared. Ken and I often discussed this and God is moving. Today there was one more in our pew beside him. It is early in the relationship but God is in it with them. I will continue to pray for them through the Hotline. I know that the mass, church service, in memory of Papa Joe was a God wink. I felt Ken’s spirit and the Angels and Saints as I went to the Feast of Heaven and Earth, Communion of the Eucharist. I was able to celebrate the Last Supper with my Lord and Savior Jesus. Back row extra credit, come to church with me! 

Sarah Anderson Alley 

Sal the Hotline to Heaven Gal

The Holy Eucharist is the body of Christ. All churches or denominations before 1500 believed and taught it. That is, the symbolic theory was a heretical invention of the 16th century. We, Catholics,still BELIEVE! 

Quotes from Peter Kreeft 

Our life here on Earth has as its purpose precisely to prepare for our eternal happiness. This world is a large womb. It is a ‘test’ as all opportunities are tests.

Anyone, without exception, can know God if they really want to simply by praying, by honestly telling Him that they want to know Him. He always responds to honest seekers. Jesus promised, ‘All who seek, find.’

God’s interventions are miracles: events that cannot happen by merely natural agents but only by a supernatural agent. They no more interfere with our free will than natural events like earthquakes. We choose how to respond to them.

Oh, Christmas!

In my mind, I am thinking how can Christmas be just THREE days away? My heart starts beating faster just thinking about it. The sounds, smells, businesses buzzing, and humans scurrying around everywhere! It can drive a person mad. Let’s talk about the slowness of the postal service and all of the UPS and FedEx trucks zipping through our neighborhoods and city streets. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP! People who have to work until Christmas to ensure bills are paid and the children get gifts being the champions of small and large cities economic growth. Silly, huh? Let me talk about teachers getting a two week break. Fair? The grocery store shelves are bare. The retail stores sparse from those piranha early shoppers ruining it for us Christmas Eve shoppers. What gives? The restaurant waiting lines will put the sour right in your puss. The drive -thrus are like a pit stop at the Daytona 500. Back row students, are you ready to cancel Christmas? What about all the extra feast days and holy days of Christmas. Isn’t one church day enough? I heard a whisper coming from the front row. No? I can’t believe what I am hearing but students you are absolutely CORRECT!

My son asked me earlier why I love Christmas so much. So this is my best explanation. Take notes. 

The heart palpitations start Thanksgiving and get worse the closer we get to Christmas. All of the busyness of us humans means that our hearts are waking up to the peace and good will that is planted in each of our souls.  I say HURRAY to slow mail. It is an indication that kind words and thoughts are being shared. Packages sent with love for those far and near. I treasure each card and feel so loved. My cards will be late this year, usually are. The message of love is just as strong. Patience people. I say Thanks be to God for those who work in retail, restaurants, and service industries. Think of our local economies without these people. Teaching is one if not the biggest way that children from some of life’s toughest situations are found and given the miracles of Christmas love and it doesn’t only happen at Christmas. Most teachers I know help to support these families year round. I know that in my little corner teachers and schools make life merrier and brighter. Teachers are the conduit to connect nonprofits, businesses, and corporate resources as well as using their own money. Teachers enjoy this season and I will pray for some January and February snow days! 

What about all of the extra church time? Now we get to the BEST part of all. The REAL REASON for the SEASON! Just imagine the world without the miraculous birth of God incarnate. It makes me shudder. There is no other religion that can meld people of all races and ethnicities and creeds. The historical evidence is there. There is no other major world religion prophet that was prophesied. I believe not in Santa but Jesus of Nazareth born in a manger. Back row, I heard a gasp. 

Have you ever been to a Midnight Mass. Put it on your to do list. Be prepared to take a trip through time from the beginning of earth to the birth of the Savior. Chant and sing psalms centuries old. Experience the sacredness of singing the Holy, Holy, Holy with the angels and saints as Jesus comes to the altar with us. Emmanuel. Relive the Lord’s Supper. Then what? Celebrate, be grateful and know Christ is with you. Let the good will towards man rule your heart in 2024.

Sarah Anderson Alley 

Sal the Christmas loving Gal

To Do List:

  1. While scurrying around town, Say Merry Christmas to people you pass.
  2. Pass a buck to people down on their luck. Read the little match girl and grab tissues.
  3. Be patient with the rude people and offer them your place in line.
  4. Randomly pay for someone’s grocery tab or toy purchase.
  5. Give acts of service not gifts.
  6. Give homemade food and candy. 
  7. Send notes or cards even if they are late.
  8. Clean out coat closet and put in the blessings box at St. Mary’s. Put a daily devotion book with a kind prayer and a few dollars or change in a pocket.
  9. Volunteer! Go to any church and l’m sure that they need you. For example, Holy Angels will need help decorating the Parish hall Friday and Saturday.
  10. Go to church! I think as a family we missed one Christmas. Alley Ritual If the kids wanted to open gifts before church, they had to get in plenty of time before church. We usually opened them after church. Catholic Christmas services are always Christmas Day. I will hopefully be there Saturday, Sunday, and Monday!

Butch the Baptist

In my mind, I have been trying to be positive about life. It is becoming harder and harder for me to ignore my limits and push forward to complete this race. One thing that I know for sure is that races end. I want to do my very best and you should, too. Two men that I know recently finished their races, and I am very proud to have known them both. This blog is about Mr. William Butch Burns.

Butch the Baptist married my sister about ten years ago. He came into her life after she lost her first husband, who died tragically at the age of 49 of a massive heart attack. We all still grieve his absence but also believe in an eternity with God. Butch had big shoes to fill.

Judy is the sister that is just good from her head to her toes. Her heart is so full of love and trust. She is an honorable woman who has high virtues. I compare her to Rachel in the Bible. She would be worth fourteen years of labor to gain her hand. As the Bible reads that a good woman is priceless, and she is.

Butch was coming from a divorce and searching for a new direction in his life. Was his life clear without transgressions and sins? Is anyone’s? He had made bad choices and was able to see the effects of those choices. His Baptist roots were urging him to tell his transformation after rededicating his life, again. Students, it is so hard to follow the path of the Cross.

So it began. They were dating and Judy had laughter and light in her eyes again. After she had been dating him a while she called me hysterical from work and asked if I could drive her to Nashville. Butch had been airlifted with a potential heart attack. I drove like a Nascar driver. It seemed to go by in the blink of an eye. It was God’s speed indeed. He was on a stretcher and she fell across his crying, thanking God, and begging Butch to not leave her. He said, “Judy, will you marry me? God is calling me to preach. “

Their season together began. He loved her like no other wife because he knew that Judy was a virtuous, God-fearing woman. He had failed at marriage before, but this time, God drove their hearts. He worked so very hard on his sermons. He put everything into being a good preacher and serving God. I was impressed. Judy told me that he worried that he felt lesser than the other Baptist preachers because of lack of “book learning.” He was a simple boy from the Finley bottoms. School was not his favorite past time activity, but fishing was! In the secular world, he was a successful businessman. He was a talented, self-taught mechanic. He lived in expensive homes and had the best of material possessions. Then he would stumble. The beauty of his life was that he continued to listen for God. He would get up and try again. Many Saints for the Christian faith have been totally illiterate. God reads hearts and knows who can lead, not diplomas. I regret not telling him that. Was this season worry free? Absolutely not, but God was always in the center of their lives.

Butch lived a colorful life. It may have begun with fast cars and wild living but as he would tell you God literally washed him clean. Butch loved to fish and loved having fish frys. His favorite catch wasn’t crappies but men. He had baptisms lined up to do lying on his deathbed. He was always after me to become Baptist because I am a Catholic Christian. We both dedicated our minds, hearts, and souls to God. The Trinity is our key to eternity. It was the beginning of October when his physical pain slowed him down. He was frantically working on an old shop for his prodigal son. I think he knew that his earthly time was ending. He was so grateful that his Savior never gave up on him. Desperate to leave his loved ones a gift of his love, not realizing he already did when he began that walk with Christ showing them how to go and sin no longer. He was welcomed home by our Savior before the end of October. As I rolled by his casket, I said, “ I’ll see you soon, Brother Butch the Baptist.”

Sarah Anderson Alley

Sal the Catholic Sister Gal

Quote of the Day

Ye do the catching and Jesus will do the cleaning.


Are you there, God?

Hosea 10:12 Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.

In my mind, I have been pulled in so many different directions. In the past month, I have been to the mountaintop of joy to the great grief of being a mere human. It has sent me to the barren parts of my mind. My belief in my Savior is here bursting in my heart, but it seems like the evil in our world is causing so much cognitive dissonance : why are you fighting for good, why cry for those who refuse help, the abandoned children from seeking to serve self, cancer and so many other diseases, but seeing the lack of good will or “ God’s will ” towards your fellow men, women, and children does not have to be. 

Students, I had a rough week last week. I had physical sickness combined with heavy heart sickness. Everything I was hearing was bad. I think I felt like I was fighting the whirlwind of trouble in my community and felt hopeless. After retirement from teaching because of ALS, I asked God to use me. I explained to Him without my body, I could do more on His side of heaven. He said, “ You are more than your body ; use your mind. “ So I began the ALS retirement season. I began my “Brain Boot camp.” God has given me TIME. The most valuable commodity for building my mind. I spent hours educating myself, always searching to get closer to God. Whomever God placed with me, I did my best to show them God’s existence and love.

I, along with God, have been rolling since 2016, seven years. This may be my last winter, only God knows. My latest BIG adventures have been helping with races and events to help build love in our town and President of two nonprofit organizations, Matthew 25:40 INC and the YMCA of Dyer County. Lately hard decisions have been made to help us to move forward to grow and help our children move back to Christ instead of corruption. Like I said earlier Sunday I was struggling in spirit and began my Bible study. First question was to write a prayer. Boy did I. By the time that I was almost finished with the lesson on Hosea, He answered me. 

Students, we are not alone in fighting for the way, the truth, and the life. We are created for good in our creator’s image. Just continue to seek.

My prayer 

God I am troubled. The world is always in turmoil. I am searching your scriptures for answers. How do we begin to take back our children from the evil that surrounds us in our society? Please help me Lord to be a tool to help all of those who need you. Simply God it is just that we need you. How can we?  Please help me, Lord. Help us be tools to help all of those who need you. How can we get back to our intimate relationship? Show us the way. I am not worthy God of the blessings that I have in this life but I know all of them come through you.  Can you help me show others how you love and how to turn to you in these times that we face. Help me to influence those who could help us keep those people that are the least Among Us safe. Help us too always know and fear you God as we go through our days. God I am just looking for answers; I know that this world is broken but I also know our job is to help bring your kingdom to those Among Us who are the most broken please help me God.

Hosea 10:12 My answer to my prayer. 

Sow righteousness for yourselves,[we have God’s righteousness WORDS = SEEDS sow them] reap the fruit of unfailing love,[put His words in your heart and mind and fertilize them] and break up your unplowed ground;[unploughed ground is new directions at the YMCA and continue to grow at Matthew 25:40 INC ] for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers his righteousness on you.[Keep looking at God and He will continue to bless you in this journey]

After doing my homework I had a message to call my daughter’s boyfriend. I said, “ Hope my timing was okay.” He reassured me that it was perfect. He had just pulled up to her apartment. He then began to tell me what a wonderful daughter Ken and I had. How he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. I explained that marriage is also tough and it’s work on both sides. It’s a lifetime of work and not sunshine and rainbows. It is sacrificing and compromising. It is putting yourself second. But, that goes two ways. It can be a train wreck or the ride of a lifetime swearing at the end you would punch your ticket again. He was so humble and gracious that it melted my heart. Ken and I tried to have this conversation not long before he left us. He looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes, so seriously telling me to take care of our girl. He did not want to leave her. He said I am a man and have seen how good girls marry cruel men. Sarah, she is special. He was and is so right. God blessed us. I promised that I would do my best. A month before he died, she met Andy. She was too nervous to bring him home so Ken never met him. He served at Ken’s funeral mass and is still proudly beside her. Listening to him tell me all the things that he loves about her and reasons he is the luckiest man alive, I realized that he would always just see one woman in the room, her. Ken, my eternal love, she will be blessed as I was. After we hung up the phone, I realized that it was the day before our  34th anniversary. 

Sarah Anderson Alley 

Sal the Blessed Gal

Quote of the Day 

A perfect marriage is two imperfect people never giving up on each other.

Oh, What a Night!

Oh, what a night! 

In my mind, I have too many irons in the fire. Students, that is what my Daddy would tell me when I wanted to do a dozen tasks at once. I can still hear his voice from beyond the pale. It warms my heart that we stay connected in eternity. Yes sir I am ever so busy. It’s my modus operandi. God made me this way. Like I said, I’m back! ALS will not champion my spirit just as SMA will not stop Addi’s Erie Adventure! The night of October 14, 2023 may have been Spooktackular but earthly and heavenly Angels were present in every shape and form.

This was the third annual Haunted adventure for people like Addi and me. It all began because of a precious young lady who loved Haunted Houses but couldn’t find a handicapped accessible one. So with a lot of love and support we celebrated number 3! The first Angels of the evening were our good friends Michelle and Beth. They can go from saint to insane when directing traffic. Parking is a serious affair when dealing with big, handicapped vehicles. This was the third year they kept everything flowing smoothly. The greeters were a wonderful group of Christian men who were our own Secret Service getting us all to the event safely. You guessed it, more Angels. They made sure each of us made it safely out of the vehicles and into the venue and departed safely as well. Angels all around.

Addi and I had been discussing costumes for quite awhile. She had decided that she wanted to be a doctor. She was decked out with her coat and even had an official name tag. She was a cardiologist, Dr. Addison. I got my good friend Shaynnan who does my costume. I usually call at the last minute but she always comes through. Another Angel! This year I decided to be an alien. We created a cool outfit that no one really knew who or what in the world I was. On top of that, under the umbrella it was like I was in a fish bowl without air or water. People were talking to me and I talked back but they could not hear me! I think I was even called a ninja turtle from outer space! After Ben poked a hole where I could talk and breathe, we were having a blast.Pinkie up, Ms.Alley! Inside joke my former students! I was so happy to see Ryan and Erin former students still just as sweet as ever. Just the fact that they were able to make it brought tears to my spaceship, fish bowl became foggy. Seeing them grown up and doing great brought tears to my eyes. All of God’s children have purpose. Some have greater purposes larger than we even can fathom. Talking to Erin’s mother made my heart squeeze because I know God put me exactly where I needed to be once again. not from behind the podium teaching but in the middle of the party with my precious students. Angels. Oh what a night! 

As Ben and I entered the gym, that is when the emotional roller coaster began. space I saw so many people there just to give love to us. There were Disney princesses and characters as well as some of the scariest witches I’ve ever seen! Shout out to my loving and dependable Jackie! Everyone was smiling. On the other end of the gym there was a big screen with a DJ and a few people were brave enough to go out and dance with the dance team from our Middle School. After a few songs it was full of love and laughter and families of people like us loving life and enjoying every breath that God has given us. That’s the secret: we don’t always choose the cross we get in this life but the more beautifully we wear it the brighter Christ shines out of us. I saw a lot of my nieces and nephews and shared treasured time with my 12ft pal! Love you my Cinderella and Garden Fairy! They were just as beautiful as ever and always 

smiling. I remember those days before ALS and I know they do too. We still  have so much to share and they have shown me how to carry this cross. 

We had a really spooky area, and I mean spooky. There were little children sitting and crying after going through it. The secret was that I had never been into a spooky house before because I am a scaredy cat. The opposite of our Addi! We squealed and were spooked to pieces. She loved every bit of it and I was telling Ben, “Punch it let’s get out of here!”  It was just another one of those blessings that I am so glad God let me be a part of and I hope to continue until Addi and I put on our dancing shoes in Heaven together. The whole thing was done out of absolute love. Without money, without price. Just come. all you had to do was come and enjoy this beautiful, spooky, dreary night with about 300 of God’s children. Next year don’t miss it. 

Even Though Addi and I love this time of year we often get too cold. My good friend Melissa suggested having the haunted house indoors this year. Good job Charlie Brown! The Parks and Recreation let us use our beloved Neighborhood Activity Center where most volunteers had made an abundance of childhood memories. The day was such a spooky, drizzly day and if it had been outdoors like the prior two years it would not have come to pass. I’m sure there were  little angels whispering this to her as we planned for this year. I can’t begin to thank all of you individually because they’re just so many. If you have a child in your family that goes to DCHS and graduates in May 2024, please have them apply for the scholarship in honor of Addi, CURE SMA Scholarship. Last year she picked a person who was going into special education. This year who knows! but probably the medical field or special education that’s up to her! I can say that we love you from the bottom of our hearts and from the tip of our toes and we will be ready to feel the love again next year!

Sarah Anderson Alley 

Sal the Blessed Gal

Quotes of the Day 

“I got another rock.” Charlie Brown 

“Both Genesis and science say that the universe is geared to supporting human life. But Genesis says more. It says that you, as a human being, bear the image of God. The starry heavens show the Glory of God, yes ; but they are not made in God’s image. You are. That makes you unique. It gives you incalculable value. The galaxies are unimaginably large compared with you. However, you know that they exist, but they don’t know that you exist. You are more significant, therefore, than a galaxy.”  John C. Lennox