Easter is Coming!

In my mind today, I can’t believe that we are so close to Easter. In less than 4 days, we will be together celebrating the most important day in every human being’s life. Back row, I know that Christmas is super exciting because of toys. Toys break and soon you get tired of them. Remember the game Monopoly? You sometimes were lucky and drew a “Get out of jail free card?” What do you think about a “Get out of Hell free card?” Settle down back row, yes I said Hell. It is a proper noun and a real place. Easter gives you and me a gift of eternal life.

Did you know that we are specially designed? We are created for more than the years we walk on earth. We are spiritual and material. We are different from other animals. We have the ability to reason, adapt, and create in order to survive. We are created to create other human beings with a soul. Science can never do that but men and women are desperate to crack the creation code. That’s the biggest problem with us human beings. We begin to believe that we have all control of ourselves, the earth, and even the universe. Hell becomes a myth and Heaven a fairyland. We are created by the Creator. His DNA is everywhere from the bees to the trees and everything, EVERYTHING, in between. From microscopic to leviathan, God created it. We mere humans want to crack the creation code so badly, but why? The number one reason is life everlasting on our terms. We are back in the garden wanting that sacred knowledge listening to the Antichrist. The only thing that the devil can create is division, chaos, deceit, and lies. He is the ultimate dementor, a soul eater. You can’t create something from nothing. God is definitely something and gave us the creation code. The love of a man and a woman, the family, brings forth new life with a built in soul. Your life may end early in your years or after 100 years we usually have no idea when the fabric of this earthly body will return to the simple elements God used. No being can kill your soul unless you refuse the gift of the Cross. The soul will return to the Creator because of Easter. Then you soar with the Saints and angels. Don’t reject the greatest gift ever. I know that some of you are lost but as long as you have breath, God wants us home. Turn back to the Light this Easter. 

Sarah Anderson Alley 

Sal the Cross loving Gal

Holy Moment:

Last Thursday I went to a penance service at my small little Catholic Church. I was in the chapel praying for God to bring people back to Him. I have been praying for couples, young and old, and especially children. I prayed, “Fill our little body of Christ with living stones. We need workers for the harvest.” I was praying for my children and grandchildren and protection from the secular world of the satan. I began to pray for people with addictions and mental illness. I prayed for children born into these situations. Then I heard children and babies. People were rustling in the pews. I remembered Henry and Shirley who reunited less than four months ago in heaven. I smiled, opened my eyes, and knew God is working in my life, our church, and our world. I was amazed. My daughter and I processed to the confessional lines but the line was still in the chapel! People were coming back home to the Body of Christ. The atmosphere was electrified with the Holy Spirit (HS). The beauty of the mixture of languages, colors, and sounds under one roof, one family, this is my precious church family that I love. Thank you God for this Holy Moment.

Author: showtunessal

Me! I am a retired teacher. I taught 20 years. I retired because of my weakened condition but my mind is afire. I read, write, reflect, and write every day. My POV is usually as a teacher but not always. I have a bucket list and on it is to be a published author. I have many books to write. I want a cure for ALS. I want to spread LOVE. I want my maker to use me until I'm completely exhausted. Life is for living. "Enjoy every sandwich" Warren Zevon

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