It Takes Three

May Flowers

This past May has been full of life and memories. Birthdays, Graduations, and Memorable Moments, my sweet husband, May has been a rebirth. I know that you are celebrating with me.
It all started with the realization that you are on the other side and our baby is getting married. At first, I was sad and then angry. I did not want to do this without you. As I have watched them date the last two years, I received little nudges from you remembering you and I having the hard conversations about me without you. You knew that we were living in treasured time and you wanted to be sure that our precious daughter would have only one of us during the “courting” years. “Sarah, you realize how innocent and vulnerable she is? Make sure you protect her from those types of men. I’m serious. I can’t stand that I won’t be here for you both. I wanted her to be happy and settled before I left.” That was about three months before you left. She had her first date with Andy the month before you died and her biggest regret is that you never met him.
My sweet husband, they are so in love. He adores her and he is the apple of her eyes. The way they work together and think of each other first. The best part of all is that they have decided on placing God first. With this decision, I know God will guide them through their lives and how can we fear when they made the right decision. I’m not sad or angry anymore. I am so proud of the children God blessed us with and the adults that they have become.
What is the magic formula? God first, spouses second, and children third and if you consult God first, He will bless you in everything. Remember Ken, when we chose God? I do. Even though there were good times and bad, the true love of God used everything for the good. We sacrificed for each other and thought of each other first. We became one soul.
She is having her honeymoon. I still miss you, but I will do what God puts in my path.

Sarah Anderson Alley
Sal the Agape Gal

Quote of the Day
“It takes three to make love, not two: you, your spouse, and God. Without God, people only succeed in bringing out the worst in one another. Lovers who have nothing else to do but love each other soon find there is nothing else. Without a central loyalty, life is unfinished.”
Venerable Fulton J Sheen

Author: showtunessal

Me! I am a retired teacher. I taught 20 years. I retired because of my weakened condition but my mind is afire. I read, write, reflect, and write every day. My POV is usually as a teacher but not always. I have a bucket list and on it is to be a published author. I have many books to write. I want a cure for ALS. I want to spread LOVE. I want my maker to use me until I'm completely exhausted. Life is for living. "Enjoy every sandwich" Warren Zevon

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